Emeka Anyanwu VC

June 8, 2020
Racism and the magic number

Understanding the Magic Number Behind Racism and Hate.

Ideas are stronger than death and are never destroyed. An idea could be narrow-minded and evil yet managed to be adopted by the majority due to the magic number. The idea that we could be having microchip inside our bodies might seem like a minority opinion, illogical irrelevant decision gone mad to control humans but it has been persistently around the corner. Whatever you thought was highly unlikely to happen is always commonplace.
May 19, 2020
Race and diseases, race and intellect,

Linking Intellect or Infectious Diseases to a Race Remains a Threat To Humanity.

It becomes highly essential that we pay close attention to where many media platforms and journalists have started once again to link Covid19 to race, particularly the Black race, despite the Coronavirus originating from Wuhan China. The historic danger of this sort of reference makes it highly a sensitive matter for all well-meaning humans to become worried with their eyebrows raised
March 25, 2020

Entrepreneurs Guide To Positioning Themselves During This COVID19 Crisis.

Although this situation has presented us with enormous challenges, it’s also important to quickly grasp the intrinsic message that comes with the situation, knowing that problems are the number one byproduct of progress. Resilience allows you to deal with constantly changing environments. Now is the time for you to start laying your hands on things that may come your way.
March 17, 2020
Emeka Anyanwu

Covid19 pandemic – How the UK Government can win people’s confidence in their action-plan.

The government's 4 point strategy to contain, delay, research and mitigate is alright however, it is not being combined with action. Not taking radical measures such as banning flights from hot spots undermines the strategy government claimed to be following. The delay phase if the global situation makes containing the virus impossible as we see global pandemic.