Psychotherapist Warns Current Political Climate Could Increase Anxiety, Gives Coping Tips.

Psychotherapist Noel McDermott looks at how we are stuck in this highly dramatised experience of life with the pandemic, a parliament behaving like a reality show, a war in Europe with a proxy battle between East and West and prior to that of course was the existential crisis of Brexit. And in all of this we seem to have gone back in time with a Summer of discontent, fuel rationing due to prices going through the roof, runaway inflation, and a heatwave.

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5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Creatively Inspire Business Growth In Challenging Times.

The more you use your imagination, the more creative you become. If you can imagine it, then it’s possible. Putting into practice what you imagine, the more effective and better you become. It is said that Rome was not built in a day. When you practise new synapses in your brain new connections are being made. Without hard work, talent does not grow and therefore growth is stunted. Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the book you want to read, build the products you want to use – do the work you want to see done.

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Ambition and Discipline: How Tony Trowers Built and Sustained Decades of Success in Business.

I treated myself to a brand new 911 Porsche, in 1999. I paid £89,000 for that car and I bought it outright. I made the purchase after securing and turning thirteen properties in a liquidation sale.
Being successful has a whole host of challenges too and being a black person added to that. There were loads of barriers that I had to get through to be acknowledged. I had to let the job do the talking.

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