
May 4, 2018

22 year old British Nigerian becomes youngest labour councillor.

Bright and young, Miss Elizabeth Bright exclaimed on a facebook post annkuncing her win at the local election yesterday. She wrote, “officially been elected as the […]
April 13, 2018

ToughTalk: Nigeria Today, the future and the looming presidential election.

On ToughTalk chat, we bring you topics that will get you thinking deeper in the issues of politics, leadership, religion and other tough topics around the continent. If President Jonathan failed and President Buhari has also failed, who then is the man for Nigeria and how can Nigerians identify this man?
June 7, 2017
Women in politics

Why have the key female politicians done so woefully in this election campaign?

In a modern society, it is no longer a debate whether or not women are capable of holding vital leadership positions. For over a century, women […]
June 5, 2017
Great Britain: Justice for all or justice for some?
Great Britain; Lack of  Justice for some is lack of justice for all. We live in a society where the word justice has been frivolously used […]