Putin’s war in Ukraine: A repeat of Peloponnesian war in this 21st Century?

The defeat of the Athenians in Sicily had a profound impact on the Peloponnesian War. The war dragged on for another 10 years, but the Athenians could not recover from the defeat. Finally in 404 BC, Athens surrendered to Sparta, and the Peloponnesian War came to an end. The Athenians’ invasion of Sicily is a cautionary tale about the dangers of overconfidence and underestimating your enemies. It is also a reminder that even the most powerful empires can be defeated.

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UK China Row: China Retaliates, Sanctions UK MPs, Businesses, Accuses The UK of Disinformation.

“China was not the first to shoot nor will it be passive or submissive to threats from the outside. Today’s world is not the world of 140 years ago. The Chinese people will not be bullied. We will not stir up trouble but if others do we are not afraid. Our measures are accurate and restrained. There is a saying in China: he who causes the trouble should seek to solve the trouble. We have no intention of seeking to expand the confrontation, but if others do, we shall keep them company.”

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Politics has rendered Leadership Useless if all it gives are these.

We are in desperate times when the world over needs great leaders more than ever. Unfortunately, the times we are in continue to gobble out more and more catastrophes in the name of leadership.

Politics has woefully failed whatever definition is had of leadership. From America’s to the Brits, it becomes even scarier to imagine who are the captains staring the affairs of the world.

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